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News | 19.03.21 Announcements

We Moved Into Our New Office

A month ago we moved into our new office space. COVID-19 was a huge roadblock in the process and we couldn’t finish the work on the space despite trying our best last year. After a big pause, we were only able to pick it back up late last year and finish(well almost!) it in January.

But of course this still isn’t finished, its WIP. Its like at 70% of the final version. Normally we’d never be comfortable posting WIP work or unfinished projects but we realised that this new space is kind of a metaphor for what building an agency feels like. It’s always WIP. Even though this office space project has a finite end but the agency itself will never have one. It’ll always be a WIP.

So that’d mean we’d never be comfortable sharing progress and quite possibly never share about our amazing journey with our friends, clients, collaborators and supporters. And that’s exactly what’s been happening with us saying in our comfort zone.

So this is us stepping out of it and posting unfinished work. 2020 was tough but we have high hopes for this year and beyond. And that’s what this new office space is for. And we’re going to be sharing a lot more of that journey throughout this year. And the only way to share that journey is by sharing unfinished work.

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