After speaking to multiple creative agencies over the last 5-6 months we’ve realised that even though they are super interested in AR, they don’t fully understand what to look for in an AR partner. Asking these 5 should have any creative agency covered:
1. Can they help you with strategy? That is helping you choose the platform(s), promotion methods, organic or paid placements, etc. to meet your campaign goals and reach your demographic.
2. Do they understand brand messaging from a design & communication perspective? Now they might have great AR tech skills but can they help you communicate the brand’s narrative through the largely unexplored medium of AR?
3. Can they come up with ideas that serve as an extension of, while also amplifying, the campaign’s creative? AR experiences reach their full potential when launched as a part of a larger campaign, be it digital, print or integrated, rather than one-off pieces.
4. Can your vendor create custom 3D assets that are perfectly on-brand? Sure you can find almost all kinds of 3D assets pre-made on the internet, but guess what? So can every other brand, and quite possibly your competitors as well.
5. Would they tell you if you shouldn’t be doing an AR experience in the first place? Because a lot of times AR doesn’t “make sense” for certain types of creative or brands.

Prabuddha Paul
I am and forever will be a student of design.
I’ve spent the majority of my life working in art & eventually obsessing over design. I started WULF Arts in 2014 with a belief that my love & awareness of design can be implemented in a tangible way to create value for brands. What essentially started as a one man band in 2014 is now a full-service agency. And that’s the proof that our hearts & minds are in the right place and we are effective & efficient in executing in practical business environments.